
All complaints, irrespective of how small they may appear, are treated seriously and are used as an opportunity to improve the service offered.

All complaints received are recorded in the Complaints Register.

Complaints from Service Users or their representatives may be made either verbally or in writing in the first instance to the Manager of the Care Home. Alternatively to:

Mel Watson
11 Ivanhoe Road

Telephone number: 07734 606267

Every effort will be made to rectify the complaint and ease the problem and any discords caused, thus preventing the problem recurring.

An acknowledgement of the complaint is made within 7 days and a response after an investigation is made within 28 days.

If the Complaint cannot be rectified the Care Quality Commission can be contacted at the following address

Care Quality Commission
Newcastle upon Tyne

Telephone number: 03000616161     

Alternatively if you would like to make a complaint concerning a service user funded by Nottingham County Council directly to them please call 0300 500 80 80.

Complaints Procedure

The following must be recorded in the complaints file and dated

  1. All complaints, showing the nature of the complaint and the complainant
  2. The action taken
  3. Any further action to be taken
  4. The outcome and the date the complaint was resolved

If the complaint cannot be resolved within the Home it may be necessary to contact outside bodies or agencies, e.g. the Care Quality Commission or a Social Worker.

Alternative sources for advice and supports are:

  • The local Government Ombudsman
    21 Queen Annigate
    SW1 P9BU

  • Age Concern
  • MIND